Offering life-changing experience in furniture up-cycling. Every Recover Team Member is on a journey to recovery, whether from mental health difficulties, being a victim of crime or domestic abuse, homelessness and addiction. They all face challenges of rebuilding families, friendships and working lives. At Recover, by up-cycling furniture donated by the public, our team find new skills and a workplace structure, discover fulfilling creative work, develop self esteem and confidence. Our Team transforms unwanted furniture into “bespoke” high quality pieces, which we sell to raise funds. Our stunning furniture will add something truly unique to your home.

Transforming Furniture


“Transforming Furniture Transforming Lives”, providing a safe, therapeutic, work focused environment where vulnerable adults are empowered, trained and supported in transforming unwanted furniture in to desirable and saleable items, whilst reducing waste to landfill.


For isolated and hard to reach vulnerable adults throughout Hertfordshire and beyond to receive opportunities to acquire the skills they need to reintegrate with communities and find sustainable, satisfying and worthwhile employment and improved wellbeing.

Self-esteem . Confidence . Wellbeing . Pride . Valued . Headspace . Employability . Trust . Hope . Direction . Focus . Joy . Communicating .